Monday, August 1, 2011

Great Article In USA Today

We, as freethinkers, skeptics, atheists, etc. are fully aware that we don't need a magic security camera in the sky to by good, moral people, but others have not caught on to this little snippet of knowledge.  That's why I applauded when I saw this article in the opinion section of USAToday, written by Jerry A. Coyne.  It is so important to spread the word of reason through mainstream media. 
Mr. Coyne begins his article with a personal experience:
One cold Chicago day last February, I watched a Federal Express delivery man carry an armful of boxes to his truck. In the middle of the icy street, he slipped, scattering the boxes and exposing himself to traffic. Without thinking, I ran into the street, stopped cars, hoisted the man up and helped him recover his load. Pondering this afterward, I realized that my tiny act of altruism had been completely instinctive; there was no time for calculation.
and he goes on to give examples of how we cannot possibly derive morality from "holy books":
Was God being moral when, after some children made fun of the prophet Elisha's bald head, he made bears rip 42 of them to pieces (2 Kings 2:23-24)? Even in the New Testament, Jesus preaches principles of questionable morality, barring heaven to the wealthy (Matthew 19:24), approving the beating of slaves (Luke 12:47-48), and damning sinners to the torments of hell (Mark 9:47-48). Similar sentiments appear in the Quran
Now, few of us see genocide or stoning as moral, so Christians and Jews pass over those parts of the Bible with judicious silence. But that's just the point. There is something else — some other source of morality — that supersedes biblical commands. When religious people pick and choose their morality from Scripture, they clearly do so based on extrareligious notions of what's moral.
I certainly hope that more articles like this one will continue to make their way into the main media outlets and will encourage believers to seriously contemplate the validity of their deeply held beliefs.

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