Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stop Labeling Children!

Here's another poll that doesn't dig very deep, but that's beside the point. 
Religious solidarity trumps atheist scepticism, poll suggests  
People of different faiths are likely to support each other's issues more than people of no faith, a new survey suggests.
Researchers at the University of Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit found that Christian young people were more likely to support Muslims' right to wear the headscarf or burkha than atheists, for instance.
The survey of 10,000 British 13- to 15-year-olds found 79% of practising Christians believed Muslims would be allowed to wear the headscarf in school, compared to 60% of non-religious young people.
Asked whether the same rule should apply to the burkha, a full body covering, both figures dropped slightly but practising Christians were still significantly more supportive, with 63% backing the right to wear it compared to 51% of non-believers.
Just 18% of non-believers said they were in favour of Muslim schools, compared to 29% of practising Christians.
First of all, the idea that delusion "trumps" skepticism is a very silly title for the article. 

Secondly, these are 13-15 year-olds!  When I was that age, I didn't know where I stood on issues, and if I did, I didn't know why.  I have changed my mind soooooo many times, after being presented with good reasons to do so, that I'm not the same person I was at that age. 

This is another example of the labeling of children with their parent's beliefs (religious or not).  To echo Professor Richard Dawkins, There is no such thing as a muslim child or a christian child!  Stop the labeling of children!

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