Monday, December 12, 2011

Got nothing to do with football....everything to do with waaaahhhh!

Okay, it seems that the 'anti-xtian bigots' are picking on some football guy, Tim Tebow. (apparently he plays for the Bronco's, or something)
Actually, fauxnews is using him as a poster-child for being picked on. (poor babies)
It’s become something of a sport to attack Christians in this nation.
In recent days a cross was removed from a Christian chapel on an Army base because it violated regulations.
Yes, it violated regulations.  What's the problem?  Regulations are there for a reason.
Symbols of the Christmas season have been removed from public squares and public schools because they might offend non-Christians. And in Washington, D.C., Christian teenagers were forced to pray in a gutter after police told them it was illegal to pray on a sidewalk outside the Supreme Court.
Yep, there's this thing called the 'seperation between church and state.'

 Hollywood spews out reprehensible anti-Christian propaganda wrapped in the guise of family-friendly entertainment – indoctrinating children to various and sundry lifestyles and beliefs. The music industry relishes artists who denigrate faith and traditional families. Our taxpayer-funded museums host religious exhibits smeared in elephant dung.
Again...waaaahhhh!  Can't blame the entertainment industry for giving the public what it wants.
And that brings us to the National Football League and the attacks on Tebow.
There aren’t many superstars for evangelical kids to admire – but Tebow is one of those guys. He’s an athlete who “walks the walk.” He’s passionate about his relationship with Jesus Christ. He prays. He studies his Bible. And he also wins football games.
And for that – he’s been subjected to ridicule.
Stephen Tullock, a linebacker for the Detroit Lions, personified the anti-Christian attacks when he mocked Tebow after sacking the quarterback. As Tebow picked himself up off the gridiron, Tullock started “Tebowing” – a mocking prayer on bended knee.
“I told a friend of mine that I might have a couple sacks this game and if I get him, I going to Tebow it,” Tulloch told the Denver Post.
Can't blame a fella for trying to make a point.... Hardworking football fans aren't interested in Tebow's ridiculous knee to prayer... they want to see one big ass guy tackle another big ass guy. Period.  Leave the gawd crap at church and off the turf.
There was no outrage – no editorials of condemnation. There were no calls for religious tolerance – nothing but silence from the chattering class.
As it should be.
Imagine for just a moment if Tebow had been a Muslim. Imagine Tullock sacking the quarterback and then pulling out a prayer rug and offering a mocking prayer toward Mecca. Imagine that.
Same difference.  Keep your religion off the turf. 
But the attacks on Tebow started long before he started playing professional football. NBC Sports reported on an incident that occurred at a Scouting Combine. Tebow suggested the group pray. Another player told him to “shut the f*** up.”
Hell, I would too.
They quoted a theologian that criticized his public displays of divine affection:
“It seems Tebow might help himself and the kingdom by getting off his knees, taking the verses off of his face, and being faithful to Christ without the public acts like all the other Christians in the NFL have done for decades,” wrote Anthony Bradley, an associate professor of theology and ethics at The Kings College in New York City, in World Magazine.
In the words of Brother Sam, "God Damn!"
Then they had the audacity to say this:
Perhaps the good professor would suggest Christians enter restaurants through the back door and use separate drinking fountains?
Freakin' really?  They want to equate a difference of opinion to racial discrimination?  Damn teabaggers!  Guess we godless heathens are putting the fear of the faithless into these Christ-happy fools. 

I'm really not that surprised.  Church attendence is dwindling, people are waking up from the delusion, and the faithful are scared s*itless.  They have enjoyed a long and unchallenged tradition of being in 'the right.'  Not anymore!  We, as Americans, are getting tired of the BS.  Tired of not being able to voice a dissenting opinion without being chastised and muzzled.  Religion is dying in this country (and may already be largely dead) and they just don't realize it yet.  Maybe they do...and that is why they are fighting back so hard. 

Anyway, I think it is hilarious that Faux is using this small story about Tebow to cry to the rafters about percieved injustices.  Wake up dudes.  We're godless, we're proud and loud and aren't going anywhere.  Get Used To It!

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